Eating More When Stressed? Find What You Can Do Instead

We experience stress, anxiety, loneliness and other negative emotions for a considerable time. Everyone has their way of coping with those. Some turn to alcohol or drugs. Some turn to other forms of addiction to eliminate that negative feeling. A not-so-destructive way is to eat to suppress those negative feelings.

Eating more to cope with negativity is a unique way to feel satisfied, pleased and enjoy the taste. Even if it is not as harmful as drugs or alcohol, most nutritionists in OKC say overeating can cause harm to the health.

Emotional Eating. Why?

From the primitive period, we continuously evolve and try to find ways to deal with our mental issues. When we are sad, angry or lonely, we subconsciously want something to attach to for inner peace. Eating can offer us the enjoyment of taste, a sense of fulfillment, satisfaction and many more. So during those negative times, some of us tend to eat more. That may fill our emotional emptiness but what about our nutrition?

Nutritional Harms of Emotional Eating

Nutritionists are primarily concerned with the overeating part of emotional eating. Obesity is a significant problem in this country and emotional eating can contribute an addition to that. Nutritionists point out that people who get into emotional eating traverse an unhealthy path. They forget about the nutritional aspect at that time which is quite apparent. They can miss important nutrition and may eat only meals that contribute to obesity. Now, we know obesity harms our hearts and other organs.

Eating Habits

According to nutritionists in OKC, people who are already following a restricted diet tend to eat more during adverse times. The mental barrier that shapes the restriction fades away at that time. The body feels malnourished and seeks food at a higher level. Thus, the craving for more carbohydrate-rich foods increases. On the other hand, nutritionists suggest that people with no restrictions on a diet can have less effect on emotional eating. So, people with restricted diets are at a higher risk of having nutritional issues for being negatively emotional.

What is the Way Out?

There are several ways to help you out. You must avoid eating at the time of negativity. How can you do that? Go for a walk. A walk or an outing can give you the fulfillment your mind wants. Nutritionists say we eat more when we watch TV or movies or do other activities. They can distract us from eating properly. So, focus on your eating; choose a place away from distractions. Regular exercise can help to reshape your mental status. And significantly, consulting with a nutritionist can help you track your eating habits and check your emotional eating.

Book an Appointment with MFT

It would be best if you didn’t rely on random advice for your nutrition. A well-nourished body can cope with emotional tensions in a better way. And when you are using your food as a tool to suppress your negative emotions, at least consult an expert. Book your appointment with Metro Family Therapy, which has one of the best nutritionists in OKC. Have healthy and happy eating.

**Disclaimer: Content posted here is not intended as medical advice and constitutes no patient relationship or medical treatment.